Shape Fitness Training Programs
Our Programs are all designed to specially cater to each women's individual fitness needs , both in group and one on one training
We Offer:
- A spa like atmosphere without the spa cost
- focused small group classes
-state of the art equipment
- sirius , pandora for client listening
- complimentary water , towels , toiletries
-group & one on one training programs available
-Personalized meal programs (average weight loss 2-3 lbs per week)
*individual client results vary
- client incentive program
- body fat , total body water and lean muscle analysis
- complimentary monthly evaluations to monitor progress
- complimentary stuctured homework for client alternative days to work out on their own
Training Programs
Starter 10
Bronze 25
Silver 35
Gold 50
All Programs Include:
( 30 minute training sessions catered to each clients individual fitness levels to Shape ,tone , lose weight & overall improve strength and conditioning. Program also includes a structured meal plan, estimated weight loss 2-3 lbs per week , weekly weigh ins, monthly assessments , and weekly homework emailed to clients on their off days )
client results may vary from person to person